Inflation worries in the United States, 10 times less than Argentina


Inflation in the United States recorded an interannual increase of 2.9% and is the highest figure since February 2012 Source: AFP

US inflation began s & # 39; speed:
Although the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.1% in June, the year-over-year increase was 2.9%, the highest since February 2012. And this figure , which represents the
prices that accumulate in Argentina in just one month, the yellow yellow lights in the authorities of the North American country.

The price increase in the United States was explained internally by the increase in the cost of fuel (which recorded increases of 0.5% in June and 24.3% in the last 12 months) and the value of rents, among other factors

In this scenario, and to contain a higher price hike that warms the economy,
The Federal Reserve (Fed) has already organized in June a
second increase in interest rates and announced that there are still two additional increases in the second half of the year, which would bring rate increases to four in 2018 – initially scheduled three.

This decision may have consequences for other economies such as Argentina, creating incentives for investment funds and capital to decide to turn to dollar assets or to US securities and divest their investments in local currency. In addition, the cost of external financing becomes more expensive.

Fausto Sportono, director of the Orlando Ferreres Economic Studies Center, explained that price increases were recorded in the retail and wholesale indexes. The US economy, he said, is overheating because the unemployment rate has dropped, so that wages could exceed inflation and boost demand

"The problem is that Inflation rises.When this happens, the Fed raises the interest rate to cool demand, and it's a very bad sign for us as it implies that the
dollar, "Spotorno analyzed

He also referred to the volume of the financial sector in the US economy, where credit to the private sector equals 120% of GDP." We have a different budget deficit. the US economy is more flexible, the tax system is simpler and this is reflected in the intangible capital per capita. "

For its part, Gabriel Zelpo, economist Elypsis, has reviewed that in the history of country The US inflation indices are around these values. These numbers are compared to expectations and the market responds to this price. Monetary plans are withdrawn and interest rates rise ", which has negative consequences for the Argentine economy.

"In reality, inflation is rare. The phenomenon of Argentina is different. Unfortunately, the rest of the world has learned that inflation is not a tool to stimulate the growth of the economy, "he insisted.

Coincidentally, Amilcar Collante, economist at the Center for Economic Studies of the South (Cesur), said: The inflation rate "speaks more about us than the world itself", but the case of the United States is particular because that Is the country that issues the universal currency.

"Argentina is one of the most inflationary countries in the world.We use all the monetary regimes and we can not solve this problem. We have a binary regime, we do not end up having a period of stability to regulate the prices of the economy in our currency, but in the face of uncertainty we go to another currency ", was he concluded. [19659023]] Did you like this note?

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