Instagram: actress of "The paper house" crossed the Plaza de Armas and the streets of Callao [FOTOS] | Peru21 | goose mana App


Itziar Ituño The Inspector Remember "Raquel Murillo" of the Spanish hit series Netflix "The Casa de Papel" arrived in Lima and I am Does not hesitate to walk through the Plaza de Armas and so he let it see through his account of Instagram .

The Spanish actress shared some pictures of her trip to our country. In the first picture, we see Itziar sitting on the steps of Lima Cathedral and we see the second picture kissing a cat and using the hashtag #Callaolima.

The journey of the popular "Raquel Murillo" "It began almost a week ago when, in his Instagram account he published a photo in an airport in Spain, telling his followers that He went on a trip and then published photographs at the Bogota airport, where he gave the time to greet a small group of fans through a window

This is not the first time that Itziar Ituño visited our country, and a few months ago she came to the Peruvian jungle to make a documentary in which she worked as a producer.

On this trip, she took the opportunity to visit Colca Canyon, where she took pictures with an eagle. "Apparently, this trip captivated the actress, so she decided to return to our lands.

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