Instagram: Criticizing Melissa Klug's Girl for Stretch Marks and She Responds | Photo | Samahara Lobatón | Shows


The daughter of Melissa Klug, who belonged to the reality series "Combat", went to spend the weekend with her friends and sisters for Fiestas Patrias in Paracas. Just Samahara Lobatón took advantage of the weather and wore a swimsuit, but never imagined being criticized for his streaks.

The young woman shared some photos on her Instagram account of how she did it. the south of Lima, however, an image has attracted the attention of a follower of Instagram. In the photo, the daughter of Melissa Klug posed in a yellow swimsuit and the user blamed her for having streaks when she was so young

YOU CAN SEE Melissa Klug's daughter traveled to Paracas with a member of "Combat".

"So chibola and with stretch marks", the user wrote in the publication of Samahara Lobatón . The daughter of Melissa Klug did not remain silent and replied, "I assure you that I am not ashamed because what woman has no stretch marks, you know that it's because you get up and lose weight really fast? I would not have stretch marks, are you perfect? "

Many liked the comment of the young woman because they consider that the" physical defect "of a woman is not important.Also another user has rented the stretch marks of Samahara Lobatón and exchica reality did not hesitate to indicate: "Love (love my) striae".



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