Instagram | David and Victoria Bechkam Celebrate 19 Years Together: Their Romantic History in Photos Trade | TV | Farándula


David and Victoria Beckham formed one of the most stable couples in international fashion and fashion. And today, July 4, they celebrate their 19 years together, they shared a romantic photo of the celebration on Instagram.

The former British footballer and former English singer met in 1997. David said that he fell in love with Victoria after seeing it in the Spice Girls video " Say you'll be there. "

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<p id= Spice Girls -" Say You'll Be There "(Video: YouTube)

After two years of meeting, they sealed their love at the altar, and the wedding took place at the time of A Luxurious Ceremony at Luttrellstown Castle Out of Dublin, Ireland

Supposedly they sat on golden thrones on the altar and had figures of themselves naked as a decoration for their wedding cake

After the wedding, Victoria tried to make a solo career as a soloist but without success, he later joined the American rapper Damián Dash and also failed.

Dec epcionada de la musique In 2006, he launched his own line of clothing and accessories.

For its part, the former Manchester United player has accumulated a large fortune in as a footballer.It is estimated that this is valued at 15 million euros.

In the gallery From photos that accompany this note, we relive some moments shared by the couple during these 19 years of existence together.

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