Instagram: Diego Boneta sends a message to Luis Miguel before finalizing the series | Netflix | Luis Miguel, the series | Ing | Telemundo | trends


This Sunday finished "Luis Miguel, the series" and all the fans flooded the social networks with countless messages of support for the "Sol de Mexico" and the actors who participated in this production, made by Netflix and Telemundo .

One of them was Diego Boneta the main actor who gave life to Luis Miguel . Through his Instagram account, he has dedicated a small but charming message to the Mexican singer, which he plays in the series.

PUEDES VER Google Translate: Special result appears when you put Luis Miguel & # 39; in Google Translate [19659004] It should be remembered that the biographical series had the approval of Luis Miguel as well, gave approval to Boneta so that it can interpret it, after seeing his audition and

"Thanks for your advice, your trust and your complicity, Excited for what is coming", were the words that he wrote Diego Boneta attaching himself to a photo where he leaves the smile, together the Mexican singer.

The snapshot already has a little over 789,000 "I like" on Instagram and has received many positive comments from all fans following the series.

"Fotazo", "a second part comes", "The best crossroads in history", Luis Miguel are beautiful and are too geniuses ", are some of the publications that can be read on the photograph.

After finishing with the first season, Netflix made an announcement that they have already confirmed the second installment, where they will discuss more about the singer's life … deeper aspects that could not be seen in the first 13 chapters.

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