Instagram: Eden Hazard has left a message of farewell after taking third place in Russia 2018 | Trade | World


The striker Eden Hazard was one of the figures of the national team of Belgium who reached the third place in the World Russia 2018 . He too Chelsea left a message to Instagram to his followers after being voted best player against England . up. Thank you all for this incredible support, we felt them in every game and we could not do it without you. We win together and lose together, we are #RETTOGERHER, "writes Belgian # 10 to Instagram .

At the end of the match, Hazard highlighted third place obtained by Belgium because it's the best record in its history "Of course, playing for third place is not as historic as playing tomorrow's final, but I think we have to be satisfied with that we did on and off the pitch, we gave joy to the Belgians, "We have a great team and we have to work in the future, in two years there will be a Euro, in four other World Cups, we will try to give everything, "he revealed.

He was also asked if he would see the World Cup final: "If you want to see it, we'll see it, otherwise we'll see something else. But I will be attentive as a football fan.

Eden Hazard scored three goals and two assists in six games played in Russia in 2018.

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