Instagram: Fiorella Cayo's boyfriend asks him creatively | Shows


A new celebrity will go to the line of married women. On this occasion, the actress Fiorella Cayo announced that she would very soon marry Miguel Labarthe, who asked him to marry her in the most romantic way possible.

Through Instagram, the singer and the dancer shared photos of the emotional moment Milagros Leiva getting married: Who is the man who made him believe in love again [FOTOS]

"And suddenly , someone says to you: "Love" His wild, and gives you a book with the different post that you send months full of poetry, and you think what is happening here And I'm sure add a letter to the inside of the book, as if it was the author who makes you feel inside the story … "said Fiorella Cayo with a series of photographs of the moment that will be engraved in the mind and heart of the couple.

In her Instagram post, Stephanie Cayo's older sister had only words from the pair of compliments to the man who loves. "Thank you my love for each of your details and how so naturally you make me feel so appreciated and loved.Thank you for passing through my life by chance, for making me laugh and for making me feel happier every day, you fill me with thousands of emotions, "added the businesswoman.

And suddenly someone tells you: "Love it wild", and you book a book with the post that you send for months full of poetry, and you think goes on here and you add a letter in the book, as if it was the author who makes you feel in the story.You disappear into an emotion that leaves you perplexed, without knowing exactly where you are taking yourself with your mind and heart, when everything stops, the words exhaust, you can only feel, and you stay silent, how someone has tried to make you feel that he loves you with all your imperfections and that it will be there for you, the more you make mistakes to not criticize you, help and respect you, there is nothing like it, thank you my love for each of your details and as if naturally you make me so valued and loved Thank you for making me laugh by chance, to make me laugh and to make me happier every day iz . You fill me with thousands of emotions. So our story continues … O -1 Always …

A post shared by Fiorella Cayo (@fcayo) on

In another post, Fiorella Cayo has announced that the manager Miguel Labarthe has shown his creativity. In one of the pictures, there is a book inside which is a kind of folded letter. Inside her she was finally the engagement ring.

"Miguel Labarthe, your creativity has surpassed me, that's what I like about you, your intelligence, your authentic self, your disenchanted frankness and your sincere smile." love, "writes Fiorella Cayo on her Instagram.

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