Instagram: Maria Grazia Gamarra and the tender picture showing her advanced pregnancy | Trade | TV | Farándula


The actress María Grazia Gamarra surprised her fans early Sunday by sharing a photo on Instagram that allows her to see her advanced phase of pregnancy.

Apparently, it is the epilogue of a family reunion. In it appears the protagonist of "My love, the Wachimán" and three men. One of them is his partner Heinz Gildemeister.

"With the gallant of the night", says the legend of the photo uploaded on Instagram .

Heinz's affectionate gesture with María Grazia is striking (she affectionately touches the "pancita").

As we remember, the film, theater and television actress surprised on July 8 when she revealed her pregnancy.

Although she normally performs her activities, the news has shifted from Instagram to the country's major news portals.

This time María Grazia Gamarra shared this message:

"Our long and beautiful love story is complete with you".

In Instagram the national actress – remembered at the theater for her role in "Larco Avenue, the musical", has nearly 400 thousand followers.

It is unclear until now when she plans to give birth.

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