Instagram: Mauricio Diez's daughter Canseco poses in a bikini, criticizes her cellulite and responds | Shows


Bliss on social networks. The eldest daughter of the businessman Mauricio Diez Canseco Camila, became popular on Instagram, after the answer she gave to several Internet users who criticized her for posing in a bikini . The bad comments focused on his body.

With the freedom that these platforms offer, Internet users have not only commented on their family, but also on their way of life and especially on their photographs. Camila Diez Canseco, only 20 years old, has not hesitated to answer the users who made fun of the cellulite that she has on one of her legs.

YOU CAN SEE Elderest daughter of Mauricio Diez Canseco upload photos with her mother via Instagram

"I see cellulite or is the reflection of water" satirized a user to see the photo of Camila. The student was quick to respond with a specific message. "Cellulite, I'm human, bruises too" Diez Canseco.

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The sincerity of the young woman was not neglected by her followers Instagram, who quickly went to her defense and congratulated her attitude It is necessary to note that internet users themselves have indicated that cellulite is a problem for both men and women, and that being something natural, should not embarrass anyone.

"Your body should love you and not others, very pretty", "" Very beautiful, I also have cellulite and it's normal! "Camille" and "You look very Camila", there are some comments that are read on your Instagram account.

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