Instagram: Mávila Huertas and her inspiring message to women | Wife


The storyteller, Mávila Huertas has a very active Instagram account, his subscribers are captivated by his publications, that it's pictures of his daily life or small sentences . Like the one he shared this morning with a photo of her.

The title of the picture is "The secret of happiness", and in this one you can see it in underwear and make up, showing itself to the natural. With this she wanted to send a direct message to women.

"It is said that Gandhi said," Life is like a mirror. If you offer him a smile, he will return it to you. Whether yours is a beautiful phrase or not! Do not waste your time worrying about the smallness of people who are unhappy. Avoid all that you lose energy. Stop the anxiety for whoever will say. There are those who speak behind your back. Offer to be happy, do not waste another minute! If you want someone to tell you, pursue your dreams, dance, fill your heart with joy. The best thing for a new start of the week! " was what the journalist wrote in her social network.

But not only did the message attract the attention of her followers, but the pretty gesture that contains the picture accompany her words. Mávila Huertas constantly shares fun photos and videos on his Instagram account, gaining a lot of popularity that is reflected in the figure of 146,000 people who see his posts on the well-known social network.

fans seeing the message and the image have not hesitated to show their support with positive and joyful comments. "I like it", "That is beautiful", " You are beautiful, "" A day without a smile is like a day without living beautiful " Here are some of the compliments that he wrote in the publication.

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