Instagram: Meet the moving story of a dog who lost his sight in the streets of the United States | VIDEO | viral Social Networks | | trends


The love of a pet is much bigger than all things. A dog Raza Beagle moved many users on Instagram with his moving story, because despite his lack of vision, he lives happily with his new family.

A Little Beagle crossed the streets of the United States in search of food to survive, and also endured daily high and low temperatures. Suddenly, a human being approached the dog; and after wanting to protect, the man brutally hit him in the cornea with his right eye

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The dog was still wandering without one of his eyes through the streets of Alabama. However, the group "Two By Two Rescue" appeared after hearing the howls of Beagle since the animal was crying in pain.

The Beagle was found with several wounds in the body, shedding blood and crying in pain. The rescuers acted quickly to stop the animal from suffering and was quickly taken to a veterinarian

The veterinarian noted that he had broken ribs, neck injuries and a loss of vision in the eye. On the left, the dog had to live in these conditions. However, the group of animals made a post on Facebook and quickly became viral, but no one wanted to adopt it.

Despite his difficulties, he appealed to Micah Larsen a citizen of the state of Alabama who assumed the challenge of caring for the little & # 39; Shep & # 39; and promised to take care of it with a lot of responsibilities. However, it was not easy.

The new owner's mission was to make people forget the fear that Beagle felt towards human beings, but as the days went by, fear vanished. . However, the dog was victim of an eye infection and he had to amputate his left eye.

"After his eye was removed, he went home and became an incredible, fully active friend and seems to have a sensor inside him since he is stumbling over nothing he do not hit or knock, it's like he's not blind, "writes Micah in his social network

Despite not being able to see, & # 39; Shep & # 39; ] was raised with love and love, also has an Instagram and Facebook profile, where he can be seen enjoying life with his new owner.

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