Instagram: Mia Khalifa triggers controversy with her curious way of celebrating July 4 [FOTO]


July 04, 2018 12:30 pm.

Mia Khalifa has been living in the United States for several years. For this reason, the adult movie film has not hesitated to make a publication with clear reference to July 4th, the day when the independence of the North American country is celebrated. The post, made thanks to his Instagram account, surprised more than one.

In the publication, the Lebanese states that she is a barbecue fan. In addition, the sports commentator stated with a sexy photograph that one of the most famous foods of United States is sexualized.

"What's more American than a Texas BBQ being sexualized by a Lebanese immigrant? Now, if you will excuse me, I have to see and check what time will open". "it opens my appetite for French fries," he wrote.

It is worth noting that on the image Mia Khalifa appears wearing very small clothes. appears to be dirty because of the BBQ sauces that she threw all over her body.

Immediately her disciples talked and told her that there was no better way to celebrate the July 4. They also told him that he should not have used this description to commemorate the day of the independence of the United States.

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