Instagram: Miley Cyrus Speaches Message to Donald Trump on US Independence Day | Shows


The controversial, Miley Cyrus, gave something to talk about among his fans, after sharing a singular image "celebrating" the independence of the United States .

The singer, who confessed his deep patriotism for his nation, surprised more than one when in his account of Instagram revealed an image where he is seen wearing the colors of his flag and make a strange grimace. A reference to the president Donald Trump was present.

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Cyrus, known to be against the administration Trump, added to his ironic message a gif of the president where he is seen being scratched and his face covered. In the image published in his Instagram Stories we read "Party in … You know where". The message and its pose in front of the camera are commented among its followers. His criticism quickly became popular.

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Miley Cyrus was against the laws of Donald Trump since the beginning of his administration. The artist uses his account of Instagram to support campaigns or make known his position on the political situation in his country.

A few years ago, Cyrus won the hearts of his compatriots when he unveiled the theme "Party in the United States", which became, until today, a "Hymn" for Americans.

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