Instagram: Natalie Vértiz responds to the user who calls her "surfboard" | Shows


Natalie Vértiz spent a few days on vacation with her husband Yaco Eskenazi and her son Liam so she published a photo in Instagram telling how she spent diving with animals Marinos, however, an Instagram disciple criticized his anatomy.

In the snapshot that she posted to Instagram she is seen Natalie Vértiz stretching her arms and legs under crystal clear water, where he poses with a lifejacket and fins.

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"Free as the ocean", pointed out the Peruvian model next to the photo and many users have mentioned how beautiful she was and even Johanna San Miguel replied "we want this size" flattering the silhouette of Natalie Vértiz.

Before the photo, a user said, "And this surfboard?" Natalie Vértiz, who had answered some messages from her supporters, could not help laughing at the comment "hahahahahah I see someone happy, enjoy life. You should do the same, it feels good. "

Users of Instagram recommended to Natalie Vértiz not to respond to negative comments as she looks very cute with the silhouette she has.

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