Instagram: Natti Natasha receives criticism from her fans after revealing her diet | Trade | TV | Farándula


The Dominican singer Natti Natasha is one of the celebrities of the moment thanks to the themes of urban music that have been presented in recent months. The artist has a legion of followers who stir their shows and watch their movements in social networks. This has been shown in one of the questions that Natti answered about his diet a few days ago Instagram and which sparked some criticism

Natti Natasha also fell into the temptation to answer the questions of his disciples. Instagram this type of interaction has become a trend on the platform in recent weeks.

One of the questions asked of the singer was this: "How do you take care of your body?" Natti Natasha, who looks physically fit, responded with great sincerity: "I have been a vegan for over three years. I do not consume anything that has had life. "

This response has sparked controversy and criticism on Instagram because many of his followers began complaining that they do not consider that plants are also living things." The singer, eliminated the publication before rain of criticism, but it was already too late.

His followers had already made a catch of the publication with the mistake of the singer and began to share it through social networks. Natti did not change his mistake.

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