Instagram: Paula Manzanal uploads a picture of her baby in full ultrasound | ing | viral video | Stéphanie Valenzuela | Shows


The model Paula Manzanal lives one of the best scenes of her life and that's what she knows thanks to her Instagram account, where she publishes videos and photographs on her pregnancy. On this occasion, Manzanal shared an emotional clip that charmed his thousands of followers

As is known, the model is in its 21st week of pregnancy, for which it took advantage of On the Occasion Ultrasound ; However, she did not participate alone. She was accompanied by her best friend Stephanie Valenzuela, who also shared the event in her social networks

PUEDES VER Instagram: Stéphanie Valenzuela accompanies Paula Manzanal on her ultrasound [VIDEO]

In the images that Paula Manzanal shared on Instagram you can see your baby, which you will call Valentino . Similarly, he has uploaded a photograph to his story where you can see the inscription "Mi nene guapote" and a emoji of a chick.


The video of the Ultrasound has reached over 120,000 reproductions and a little over 13,000 "I like you" & # 39; In the little clip, you can see how Valentino opens his mouth as a yawning gesture and the voices of models excited by what they were witnesses.

"My baby was bored with nonsense spoken by his mother and godmother, an excellent demonstration of blind love, you do not know him but you already love him", you can read in the Instagram post

"Congratulations", "I died of tenderness, it's beautiful", "Since already beautiful, many future blessings Mom", "Beautiful as your mother, congratulations", "Beautiful baby and Congratulations, may God continue to bless you, you will be the best mom in the world, "are some of the comments that can be read.



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