Instagram: Paula Peralta, the showgirl of Luis Miguel that provokes the fury in the social network | PICTURES | Shows


The Argentine singer, Paula Peralta gained fame in Instagram after commenting that she is one of Luis Miguel's choristers. The interpreter was entrusted to Infobae and explained to him how to work with one of the greatest artists of Latin America.

Peralta indicated that "Chance and Destiny" led to her being part of Luis Miguel's team of musicians. He also mentioned that he had the pleasure of traveling the world singing in several of his concerts.

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"I was at a recital, I went to see him as a public (…) And I accidentally hit a person who did not have to hit him, which was the safety of his representative at that time, "he said. [19659005] In the middle of the conversation, this person told him that they were looking for a chorister; After refusing to perform a casting, he finally agreed. "Three days later, I did my debut on stage with Luis Miguel, "he added.

Paula Peralta admits in the interview that working with the singer is like a dream come true." It's a man normal, but he also has his flashes, like all the stars, that is Luis Miguel, he is number 1. I would like to confirm that is Frank Sinatra of Boleros ", he revealed. [19659007] The interpreter described the first encounter she had with "El Sol de México" although she was nothing special, she l & # 39; 39, scored. "When the show started," El Señor "comes out, I do it with my head (makes a gesture) and it makes me:" Hi, hello ", he recalls .

Peralta shared that in September he will go on tour for 25 days next to the artist, then he will return to his country for ten days. The model also talked about the Luis Miguel series in Netflix and mentioned that this production has "humanized" it.

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