Instagram: Sheyla Rojas interviews Antonio Banderas and calls him "pumpkin" | Shows


A few days ago, Sheyla Rojas announced her trip to Spain. The animator of & # 39; You are in all & # 39; interviewed the famous actor Antonio Banderas after the presentation of his new fragrance in Marbella.

Sheyla Rojas was enthusiastic that he posted some photos in his account after Instagram . "Happier: impossible!", Says in the legend of the image that uploaded to Instagram and left his disciples astonished.

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Many congratulated the reality exchica for the interview with the Spanish actor, however, some have questioned their work because they consider that it is not sufficiently prepared to conduct the interview with the cited interpreter.

"They send pumpkins to interview, how much we are like an expensive country …", noted in the social network a user registered in Instagram as @ jirafita9362.

Sheyla Rojas did not remain silent and replied: "@ jirafita9362 Those eggs that just want to bother you … if it stings you, my life.I work with dignity, I am prepared and I focused on my career – thank God, can you? "


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