Instagram: Stephanie Valenzuela is accused of being racist and does not remain silent [FOTOS]


July 25, 2018 13:15.

Stephanie Valenzuela shared a photo with her nephew to whom she gave a loving message on her Instagram account. Because of the photography, some of his followers labeled him racist, alleging that his behavior would not be the same with a child of "Andean roots".

The model published a photograph with her sister's son, which she accompanied with a loving message. "In love with my nephew Derek, practicing for my godson Valentino and my future Stefano, if I have one, how do I look like a godmother?" He wrote in the description of the picture.

Quickly a follower highlighted the traits of the child and indicated that if he was different he would not charge him. "If he was a boy with Andean roots or a black boy, would you wear it?" All because he's a gringo with blond hair, that's why he's in another country, "wrote a social network user.Before this post, Stephanie Valenzuela replied

"Look at my pictures in Africa, I'm wearing a nice little black baby and maybe mine is like that Why are people so embarrassed? I will never understand and if my nephew is white or not, it's not the problem, because it's my blood and I want it to color it's, "he replied in his account of Instagram Stephanie Valenzuela .


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