Instagram: The daughter of Mauricio Diez Canseco poses in a bikini, they tell her that she has a cellulite on her legs and she responds like that | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 11 | Shows


Camila Diez Canseco is 20 years old but she is not immune from criticism. On her Instagram account, Mauricio Diez Canseco's daughter has to endure inappropriate comments about her father, her body and her way of life.

This time, via Instagram, Camila Diez Canseco remembers her trips to the Caribbean and shared a photo on the beach. Wearing a pink bikini on the photo, the daughter of Mauricio Diez Canseco seems to be missing in the summer.

But what attracts attention is a comment she received Camila Diez Canseco in her account Instagram . The daughter of the owner of the Rustic chain had to read that someone was playing with the cellulite that appeared on his leg.

"Do I see cellulite or is it a reflection of water?" "Jajaja" . Quickly, the daughter of Mauricio Diez Canseco replied: "It is cellulite, I am human and I also have bruises."

The sincerity with which the question of the user was answered Instagram applauded by his followers. Many have pointed out that cellulite is a normal problem between men and women, and that does not mean that Camila Diez Canseco should cover her body.

"You are divine that piconas believe otherwise" [19659007] "Your body should love you and not others, very cute"

"Having cellulite is normal, it's the most beautiful thing of a woman "

" The beauty of the woman is not in the details insignificant, more on the contrary, it is in the determination, freedom and esteem of self that every person feels "

" Mentally sanitized who sees a woman cellulite and more pathetic if it comes from a woman "

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