Instagram: The wife of Christian Cueva responds to the user who criticized him for his way of dressing [VIDEO]


July 25, 2018 4:15 pm.

Pamela López Christian Cueva's current couple, did not hesitate to answer loudly and easily to an Instragram user who was disrespected. The trujillana has shown that he knows how to defend himself against the attacks of cybernauts.

This fact occurred in the recent photo that he published in his popular social network . The soccer player's couple appears next to his daughter and the two pose in the Colombian airport.

"My confidant !!! My firstborn … My chemi chemi … My pretty … My heart I do not share it with all my loves," writes Pamela López.

The publication of the current couple of Christian Cueva did not go unnoticed and dozens of users of & # 39; Instagram did not hesitate to comment on the snapshot.

However, there was a user who attacked Pamela López for wearing sunglasses when she was inside the airport. "Lenses inside a closed airport and at night? Pffff a lot of money, but 0 style," he wrote.

Before this commentary, Christian Cueva's wife did not hesitate to answer the surfer with a short but energetic message. "I do not have money, I do not have a style, if I want to cover my eyes, I wear glasses, if I want to show them, I will show. " In Christian, I feel comfortable. "


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