Instagram: Tilsa Lozano looks like this 15 days after giving birth a second time | Trade | TV | Farándula


Temporarily withdrawn from television, Tilsa Lozano takes advantage of the first days with his little Massimo, second son of his relationship with the lawyer Miguel Hidalgo Jr. This is attested in his personal account of Instagram .

Precisely in this social network, the former host of "Amor de Verano" shared a photograph that shows the change undergone by his figure in the last fifteen days.

The one who was Miss Reef a few years ago has achieved a proper diet for her maternity. In the same way, he uses a belt to recover his silhouette.

"I tell you about the girls I gave birth to 15 days ago and many ask me for advice on how to get back to the weight and the ideal figure." The strip is fundamental, "he wrote in Instagram ." Sport, food and the belt, the three things we need to straighten, "concludes the old model

Tilsa Lozano (36 years old) is a mother of two children following her relationship with lawyer Miguel Hidalgo Jr. She shared on Instagram various images of her pregnancy process.

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