Instagram: Ximena Hoyos posing in lingerie and lighting networks | actress | vichayito | social networks | trends


He left everyone stunned. Actress Ximena Hoyos has spent moments of relaxation and enjoyment in the north of the country, but this is not an obstacle to hide all her followers with pictures that have brought up the temperature on Instagram.

On this occasion, Ximena Hoyos shared a publication where she can be appreciated with sensual and tiny lingerie which aroused passion among all its followers, who did not hesitate to fill it with praise and to showcase its slender figure. Do you want to know more? Here we detail everything.

YOU CAN SEE Ximena Hoyos wears a bikini and sighs on Instagram [FOTOS]

"Hello, over here Vichayito says goodbye to a beautiful day .. do you wake up happy with such a view ? ", you can read in the Instagram post. The cliché is on the edge of the 50,000 'likes' in a few hours

In the photo you can see Ximena in lingerie looking towards the horizon since a sale, holding a cup of coffee His fans were amazed by the snapshot and have left many comments highlighting his silhouette.

"You are beautiful and even more beautiful", "You are sensual and killer Ximena", I also started at GYM, I hope it is royal "Very good morning", " If someone wakes up happy "," This publication makes me regret the two triples I just ate ", are some comments that can be read.

The actress pointed out that she is very happy to reach a million followers, and published that always tries to be the same person.C is why so often decides to download photos of this caliber to hide his followers.



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