Instagram: Yahaira Plasencia made a revelation about her life in a test of "questions and answers" | picture | social network | Shows


All is not music in the life of the salsa . The name Yahaira Plasencia is related to dance and music. The interpreter of "Quítame has hombre & # 39; used his Instagram account as a platform to answer the doubts of his followers.

Yahaira Plasencia spoke of a passage in his life that few knew. In his Instagram account he received a question from a user, who said: "Would you like to study another career besides singing and dancing?"

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The former partner of Jefferson Farfán surprised more than one with the answer that & # 39; He gave. "I studied translation, later I will come back," was what the singer detailed on the Instagram social network.

Recall that Yahaira Plasencia was prepared from an early age to be a singer. She was in the workshops of personalities of the show to be able to work on her talent. Without that being enough, the young woman also drank in the dance, being one of her teachers Maricielo Effio.

Also, from an early age, she ventured into modeling. She appeared next to other beautiful young women on the catwalks that were organized in the nightclubs. After this stage, he achieved fame through the salsa group "His Tempción", from which he separated to begin a solo career.

Yahaira Plasencia explained in his account of Instagram who intends to resume his studies, but apparently, now he focuses solely on his musical career.

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