Israel fires a missile against a drone from Syria


Jerusalem .- Israel launched a Patriot missile on Wednesday against an unmanned aircraft that entered its airspace from Syria, the armed forces reported. They warned that they would not tolerate air infiltration that occurred several times during the year.

The military command declared that the missile intercepted the plane "which has infiltrated the Israeli border from Syria". No victim or damage reported . Police have issued an unusual warning to ships in the Sea of ​​Galilee that they will return ashore "due to ongoing security operations in the region," AP reported.

He did not go into the details, but the military command warned that "it will not allow any violation of Israeli airspace and will face any attempt". attack his civilians ".

It was not clear at the moment who launched the drone.

A month ago, there was a similar incident and in February, Israel demolished a drone that claimed it was Iranian and that it had entered its airspace. She bombed Iranian targets in Syria in retaliation.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Moscow for talks on Syria with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a crucial ally of Syrian President Bashar Assad in the Syrian civil war.

Israel generally stayed out of the war in Syria, but did dozens of air strikes against suspicious shipments of weapons sent to Hezbollah militia.

Israel warned Iran, Assad's ally, not to increase its military presence on its border.

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