Israel protests against Poland for the publication in Hebrew of the joint declaration


Jewish Link Mexico – Israel has submitted an official protest to the Polish government this weekend following the publication of an entire page advertisement in the Israeli press of a Hebrew translation of the joint declaration exonerating the Polish people from its responsibility.


The protest was presented in Warsaw by the Israeli ambassador to Poland, Anna Azari, and in Israel at the Polish Embassy.

The joint statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawiecki, aimed at ending the diplomatic crisis between the two countries over the controversial Polish Holocaust law, provoked the death penalty. indignation in Israel, and Yad Vashem launched ] condemnation of what he calls "historically inaccurate."

Israel protested that the statement was published in Peru. Israeli mediators in violation of the agreement reached between the two leaders, as well as fundamental errors in the Hebrew translation.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that the Hebrew translation does not accurately reflect the content of the statement.

A senior Israeli official said this weekend that the explicit agreement between the two governments was that the case would be resolved after both leaders read the statement in English. He said that if the Poles had not published the statement in Hebrew, the crisis would have ended.

The joint statement published in a full-page advertisement in Israeli newspapers

Meanwhile, Education Minister Naftali Bennett ordered schools not to include the joint statement in the lessons of the day. ;history. In addition, it decided to introduce a compulsory study unit on the treatment of the Polish Jewish population during the Second World War as part of the training program of tour guides who lead the educational trips of Israeli students Poland.

Education will continue to adhere to the historical truth that the Poles took an active part in the Nazi killing machine, killing and delivering Jews, "said Gilad Maniv, national instructor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Education in charge of training programs for history teachers According to Maniv, the education system expects students to pose and question the historical narrative that the Polish government has in mind. to introduce, and teachers explain to students that there is a difference between national memory and historical memory.

"Historians are interested in the investigation of historical truth He said. "The history of the Polish people is made, it's a building of memory that they want to create to minimize their responsibility for the horrors that took place on Polish soil during the war." C & # 39; that is why we must stay true to the historical truth. "

Maniv explained that the education system will continue to teach Israeli students that Poles were anti-Semitic before, during, and after the Holocaust.

"Before the Second World War World, the Poles excluded Jews from the academy, boycotted them and harmed them economically.When the Nazis came to Poland, they found a Polish population full of 39, anti-Semitism, so the claims of the Poles are false, "he said." We will continue to teach our students, as we have done, that most of the responsibility for murder and the "murder" is the same. initiative was that of the Nazis, who built the concentration camps and extermination.The statement of the Polish government that his exile government treated the Jews during the Holocaust and acted on their behalf is false The government in exile did not consider the Jews, but the suffering of the Polish people, "he concluded.

Source: Ynet / Reproduction authorized with the words: © EnlaceJudíoMéxico

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