Israel strengthens its anti-missile system and its air command for tension with Gaza | World | Middle East


The army of Israel strengthened the missile defense system in the center and south of the country and mobilized "a limited number" of reservists for air defense, amid the fragile ceasefire -fire with ] Gaza after escalating hostilities yesterday

"According to the assessment of the situation, the army reinforced its Iron Dome air defense batteries in the Gush Dan region, center of ] [Israël] and in the south ", indicates a military note

Since last night, there has been a relative calm, following the worst escalation since 2014, despite the bombardment of four mortars by militia Gaza shortly after the announcement, and today Israel shelled up to three times Palestinians who were preparing incendiary comets to launch into Israeli territory.

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu warned that to maintain the ceasefire, they should completely stop this type of practices that have been repeated since the beginning of the Great March of Return on the 30th March and caused significant damage to Israeli farmland. he sees the launching of incendiary balloons and comets with great severity and will continue to operate with greater force against those who carry out this type of terrorist activity, "he said about the launches. aujourd & # 39; hui.

He also warned that "he is determined to continue to defend Israeli civilians and that he is ready for a wide variety of scenarios, which can be intensified according to the assessment. situation and operational needs ".

Since Saturday night, Palestinian factions have fired more than 200 rockets since 1945. Gaza which caused three Israeli casualties, and Israel responded with a brutal military offensive. against the positions of the Islamist movement Hamas.

Source: EFE

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