"It's really a trick": Carter Page denies being a Russian agent while lawmakers urge Trump to act harder against the Kremlin


Former Trump campaign advisor, Carter Page, denied Sunday that he was an intelligence officer for Russia, while lawmakers were present in the morning to urge President Trump to act harder towards the Kremlin.

the release, Saturday, of a wiretap application in which he declared to have been engaged in "secret intelligence activities" in the name of Russia. He stated that the allegations that he was working for an agent or an informal adviser were "ridiculous" and a "complete joke".

"I have never been an agent of a foreign power" Heavily redacted documents were released after a week of scuffed developments following the President's meeting on Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki

. the press conference with the Russian leader said that he had no reason to believe that Russia would have interfered in the 2016 elections, in contradiction with the consensus of the US intelligence community; he later said that he was poorly expressed. The White House also announced that it wanted Putin to come to Washington this fall, even though intelligence officials and lawmakers said they still did not quite understand what had happened. passed at the meeting in Helsinki

. Lindsey O. Graham (RS.C.), a former Trump ally, has pleaded with the president of CBS News to impose "new sanctions, heavy sanctions" on Russia before Putin visits Washington.

"Come with a set of sanctions that would be a hammer on Russia's head if they continue to interfere in the 2018 elections," said Graham on the SCB's Face the Nation

"Just sanctions that can fall on Russia like a hammer.Do you meet this guy from a position of weakness … If you were really hard with Putin, he would not do what he does "said Graham.

Graham and another lawmaker Schiff (D-Calif.), Says that they still do not know what Trump and Putin said when they met privately in Helsinki last week.

"We have no idea what this president, our president, has accepted" ABC's This Week.

"It is possible that there were agreements on Ukraine, on Syria, and who knows what else?"

Schiff says Trump "acts like someone else" One that is compromised by Russia. "

" It may very well be that he is compromised or very well that he is convinced that he is compromised, that the Russians have information about it, "he said Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), the author of a bill that would impose severe sanctions on Russia if it had intervened in an election American, said that Trump should get closer to Putin without delusion about the end of the Russian leader. "He is interested in gaining advantage at our expense and for his benefit," said Rubio on CNN. [19659013] Rubio's Bill and Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) Requires the Director of National Intelligence to declare whether the foreign government has ingested in a federal election In the month that followed, if the foreign government is determined to be Russia, the bill requires the United States to impose sanctions within 10 days.

The measure won new co-sponsors last week after Trump questioned the consensus in the 2016 presidential race.

At the press conference with Putin in Helsinki, Trump said that he had no reason to believe that Russia would "intervene" in the elections. He later stated that he meant that he had no reason to believe that Russia "would not have" interfered in the elections.

"I do not think it was one of the best moments of administration," Rubio added. that he appreciated Trump's subsequent attempt to reverse his remark

Rubio, a member of the Intelligence Committee, disagreed with Trump's finding that Page's wiretap was intended to monitor the Republican presidential campaign. I do not think this is part of a larger plot, "he said.

Page" went around the world boasting about his relations with Russia "even before the campaign, this which meant that he was already "on their screen," says Rubio. "[…] I do not believe that they look at Carter Page means that they were spying on the countryside."

Page a accused law enforcement officials of fabricating information to strengthen their offer of surveillance of his communications.

spoke with Russian nationals of incriminating information about Hillary Clinton were "totally false" and denied having ever discussed the lifting of Western sanctions with Igor Sachin, a senior Russian official. "I attended some meetings. To call me a counselor is well above the top. (…)

The wiretap application documents identified Page by name and claimed to have been the target of recruitment by the Russian government. They were made public after media organizations filed a lawsuit for their release.

"I may have attended a few meetings at which many people, including members of the Obama administration, were attending". I have never been close to what is described here.

Trump argued that the documents support his view that the Department of Justice was illegally monitoring his campaign

"Looking more and more like Trump's campaign because the president was being spied illegally ( surveillance) for the political gain of Crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC … … an illegal scam! " Trump tweeted .

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