It's the war: Ignacio Baladán takes it to Patricio Parodi for this reason [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows


Patricio Parodi appeared in & quot; In Boca de Todos & quot; and answered about the difficult decision he had to make yesterday after taking away his friend Luis Alonso Bustíos from the program 'Esto es Guerra & # 39; , but he did not imagine that Ignacio Baladán would attack him.

The "Warriors" had to choose between Hugo García and Luis Alonso Bustíos and the decision fell to Patricio Parodi, who, on the verge of tears, had to choose the right one. one of his friends. "It's strong because you carry the burden of knowing whether you made a good decision or not" he said Patricio Parodi to Tula Rodríguez.

Ignacio Baladán did not believe the words of Patricio Parodi and, excusing from Tula Rodríguez, stated the following: " That sounds good, whatever you say, in the perfect theory, but in practice, Luis Alonso was supposed to be your friend and how did you leave him out of the program. "

After the harsh declaration of Ignacio Baladán, Patricio Parodi seriously and arms crossed told him that it was not like that. " Why do they bring me Ignacio every time I come to the program?"

Tula Rodríguez reprimanded Ignacio Baladán and mentioned that Patricio Parodi would have suffered by deciding one of his friends; however, the businessman ironically expressed "what will suffer?"

Patricio Parodi was finally defended against the accusations of Ignacio Baladán and justified that his decision was due to a strategy for Profit Team