"It's the war": Sheyla Rojas and Patricio Parodi in a tense verbal discussion | Trade | TV | Farándula


Seyla Rojas and Patricio Parodi met again at the last episode of the "reality" broadcast This is war ", where they were presented a tense verbal argumentation. [19659002] The animator of "You are in all" was invited to the US TV area to share the conduct of the program with Mathias Brivio, in the absence of María Pía Copello.

Taking advantage of Sheyla's presence in the "reality", Patricio invited him to his footage "In the mouth of all". However, the popular "Leona Loco" rejected the invitation, stating that she could not attend, since she had lunch with Austin Palao and members of Los Retadores.

The response of Sheyla Rojas Disturbed Parodi who argued: "Pay attention to Austin because Sheyla loves chibolos."

Comment Unexpectedly angered Sheyla who said: One moment, Patricio Parodi, Drop a change, that I've long since stopped loving chibolos like you "

" Relax a little and breathe in. Respect respect and do not be disrespectful, I speak to you in the best way, and even less I want to talk about what happened with you. "

  Sheyla Rojas

Sheyla Rojas faces Patricio Parodi in "C & rsquo; is war". (Video: América TV)

Sheyla Rojas and Patricio Parodi began a relationship in 2015, but after almost two years, the romance culminated with rumors of infidelity.

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