Jaime Bayly on Marco Aurelio Denegri: "I've skinned my books without compassion"


Among the major interviews that Jaime Bayly had with his program " The Sniper ", there is one he remembers with great affection, that of Marco Aurelio Denegri. "He was a man I respected and admired a lot," said the writer during his presentation at FIL Lima 2018.

When reading his book "Checho Frío", the reporter recalled the virtues of the deceased intellectual. July because of pulmonary fibrosis. "He was an educated man, he was not afraid to go against the grain, nor to be a minority, he was an acute provocateur," he recalls.

"It took me more than once," he continues. "He flayed my books without compassion, but it was a deeply enlightened look, that of Marco Aurelio," he adds, reflecting a great admiration for Denegri.

Jaume Bayly considers the memory leader of " The function of the word " was "a rare bird in Peru, because he was a cultured man, who read and who was going to say what he thought without worrying about falling to the others. "


The popular" Terrible Child ", kept no detail in remembering Denegri and was encouraged to point out that "he was a man who celebrated the virtues of onanism," he adds.

"It's something that he told me when I interviewed him and it did not bother him to hide it," Bayly recalls. "I was willing to always argue in favor of masturbation because I felt it made you lose your temper, it allowed you to recognize your identity and to reconcile yourself with your dreams."

Moreover, Jaime Bayly This should teach us to change the idols that Peruvians have by default. "I wish Peru to admire people like Marco Aurelio Denegri ," he says.

"At school we are taught to admire military heroes, generals, generals or political leaders that I consider a big mistake," reflects Bayly. "We must seek wisdom and beauty, in the art, in thinkers, in poets, in painters, musicians, filmmakers, museums and libraries, something that he has done wisely Marco Aurelio Denegri ] "finished.

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