Jair Bolsonaro, the "Brazilian Trump", makes his candidacy for the presidency | Trade | World | Latin America


Right-wing MP and former army captain Jair Bolsonaro made his presidential bid on Sunday, crowded by a crowd of supporters in Rio de Janeiro, with Polls that smile for him for the uncertain and polarized elections of October. Brazil .

His figure makes many Brazilians nervous, but this nostalgic of the military dictatorship (1964-85) takes a bath of mass in the convention of his social-liberal party (PSL), dressed by more than 3 thousand followers who Received the cry of "Myth, Myth!"

"My candidacy is a mission, if I am here it is because I believe in you, and if you are here it is because you believe in ] Brazil " , proclaimed Jair Bolsonaro at the beginning of his speech at noon, at a convention that should be extended until the afternoon.

The candidate, 63, was sitting in the gallery next to the abog Ada Janaina Paschoal, one of the impellers to the left of Dilma Rousseff in 2016, who will eventually be his aspiring vice-president , after the refusal of two other personalities to accept this role

– "Clean record" –

] "As it is our country, Jair Bolsonaro is the person who can make the difference.It is our hope because he is not involved in corruption and that he is an honest and sincere person, "said Gilmar Jasset, a chauffeur of & # 39; 35-year-old bus, arrived at the meeting dressed as his candidate, with the presidential ribbon.

Jair Bolsonaro was heterodox: evangelical conservatives, middle-class people, police and army, favela residents and violence

this former captain as Savior, a man of "clean record", able to save a country plunged into the political, economic and social crisis and jaded with corruption scandals.

Cristiano Pereira, 32 years old neighbor of the violent Baixada Fluminense de Rio, believes that Brazil needs a man with the "firm fist", which allows-like Jair Bolsonaro promises the wearing of weapons so that "if someone comes robart think twice because you are armed."

"We need a change in our country and the only competent person is him.A person by right, who defends the family, democracy, equality and has a clean record, "says Sueli Bonavita, a 64-year-old dentist.

– Janaina, Vice President –

However, ] Jair Bolsonaro came to the proclamation of his candidacy after being rejected until the last moment by two personalities whom he wooed to be his possible vice president.

And his dream of having a general by his side faded

Ap After several ups and downs, the academic Janaina Paschoal, recently affiliated with the PSL and without political experience, will be his formula companion.

With a much more measured tone than on other occasions, Janaina says to herself "honored" for the invitation and, although he assured that the mission will be "difficult" , he pointed out that Brazil needed a "purge" of corrupt politicians.

But he wanted to remind the exalted public:

Without the vice president of another party, Jair Bolsonaro would have barely 8 seconds in every free propaganda block of radio and since the PSL is a small formation

This could decrease the visibility of the candidate, although this enemy of the traditional press and its so-called "false news" ensures that he is not worried, because millions of people follow. his frenetic activity in social networks.

– Polls –

The truth is that Jair Bolsonaro is guaranteed more votes than any other candidate, Except for former left-wing President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a four-month prisoner for corruption, whose candidacy will probably be invalidated by the electoral justice.

But that is not enough to win the most unpredictable elections in the country. The modern history of the country

The ex-soldier, known for his racist, misogynistic and homophobic explosions, seems to have hit a ceiling, although he has managed to defeat the reserves of various sectors social affairs, including business.

If Lula does not stop exceeding 30% of the voting intentions, Jair Bolsonaro never reaches 20%, even in scenarios without a leader of the left. And, in the simulations of the second round, he is beaten by all the candidates, according to Datafolha.

Until the accuracy of the polls is verified, the "phenomenon" Jair Bolsonaro remains in suspense Brazil According to the experience of Donald Trump to the States -United.

In fact, the American president "was" in the rendezvous, since a follower dressed in a costume put on a mask with his face and he walked around the auditorium, which l & # 39; He applauded.

Source: AFP

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