Japan executes a sect leader who attacked the Tokyo subway with sarin gas | Trade | World | Asia


Japan hanged ex-guru of the sect Aum, Shoko Asahara considered as the mastermind of deadly sarin gas attacks in the subway of Tokyo 1995 , as reported by the NHK public network.

The 63-year-old guru, whose real name is Chizuo Matsumoto, was executed on Friday [jueves en el Perú] with six other 13 members of the sect sentenced to death by an attack that killed 13 people and left tens in an almost vegetative state.

Asahara who suffered from almost total blindness since childhood, had been detained since May 1995, two months after the 20th attack. March in the subway of the Japanese capital

He was sentenced to death in 2004 for this attack and others like the one perpetrated with sarin gas in 1994 in the city of Matsumoto (center of Japan ), where eight people died and 100 were his

The execution today of the Guru and six other members of the Supreme Sect of Truth (Aum Shinrikyo, in Japanese) comes after a process of more than 20 years in which all those involved in the attacks were tried and Japanese justice prosecuted about 190 Aum members for the attacks and other related crimes (such as the 1989 murder of the lawyer Tsutsumi Sakamoto and his family), handed down six life sentences and confirmed 13 death sentences.

Founded in 1984, Aum has become a decade in a formidable organization capable of developing chemical and biological agents and small arms, and even presented a list. candidates in the 1990 general election who did not obtain parliamentary representation.

Source: EFE

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