Jazmin Pinedo thanked the fans for their gift after the surgery | Photo | Instagram | Shows


Jazmin Pinedo, surprised the millions of followers that he has on Instagram, and then give the news of a surgical procedure to which he was going to submit.

As we know, the young TV presenter intervened recently and is already recovering quickly from this procedure. This is why all his supporters in social networks, have not hesitated to express their best wishes and a speedy recovery to the former host of the Espectáculos.

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However, the fans not only expressed their affection for Instagram, but also decided to deliver a beautiful floral arrangement to the young model, who did not hesitate to share the gift and thank for the love that they show for her.

"We do not like you because of the time when you appear on television, we love you and we care about you because you are special to us," says the driver's dedication. thanked the gesture with a publication on their social network.


Similarly, in a recent publication, Jazmin Pinedo commented that this surgical procedure has gone well and that it will soon recover. The publication has received all sorts of positive feedback and in just a few hours already has more than 16,000 likes and dozens of positive comments for the driver's health.



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