Jennifer Lopez: Singer celebrates 49 years on the beach with her family | Photo 1 of 15 | Shows


Jennifer Lopez has just published a photo of a heart attack for her 49th birthday on her personal account Instagram . Her fans took the opportunity to greet the beautiful singer for her day.

"Celebrando cumpleaños", he wrote Jennifer López in his Instagram account and attached a photo with his parents and his current partner. The image has more than 68,000 "little hearts" in approval.

"Happy Birthday", "incredible lights", "beautiful family, many blessings", "I would like to reach 49", "you are my idol", are some of the comments that can be read in the personal account of Instagram of Jennifer Lopez .

As recalled, Jennifer López uses her account of Instagram to be in contact with all her fans. JLO also publishes in the social network the various activities that it carries out day after day.

Jennifer Lopez still loves to please her followers with pictures of her exercise routines and the good figure that seems to be around 50 years old.

JLO has over 77 million followers in the world and this is not surprising. the singer is considered one of the queens of Instagram .

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