Johnson & Johnson: Millonaria condemns a company for cancer cases linked to its talcs | Trade | Economy | World


A jury of St. Louis, United States awarded nearly $ 4.7 billion in compensation to 22 women and their families after claiming talc asbestos Johnson & Johnson has contributed to the development of ovarian cancer, in the first case against the company that focuses on asbestos that contains dust.

The jury announced that the company must pay $ 4.14 billion in punitive damages and $ 550 million in compensatory damages after a six-week trial in the San Luis circuit court.

Johnson & Johnson characterized the verdict as the result of an unfair trial that allowed women to pursue business in Missouri despite most of them not living not in the state. He added that he would appeal, as he has done in previous cases in which the decision favors other applicants.

"Johnson & Johnson continues to believe that its products do not contain asbestos and do not cause ovarian cancer.Calls are available," said spokeswoman Carol Goodrich [19659005] Mark Lanier, counsel for the plaintiffs, said in a statement that Johnson & Johnson had concealed evidence of asbestos in their products for more than 40 years.

Medical experts testified at During the trial, asbestos, a known carcinogen, is mixed with talc, which is the main ingredient of the products in question Johnson & Johnson .

] Plaintiffs' Counsel said that asbestos fibers and talc particles were found in the ovarian tissue of many women.

"We hope this verdict will attract the attention of the J & J and allow them to better inform the medical community and the public on the link between asbestos, talc, and ovarian cancer, "said Lanier. "The company should remove its talc from the market before causing more anxiety, injury and death following a terrible illness."

Source: AFP

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