Johnson & Johnson sentenced to pay 4,050 million (VIDEO)


MISSOURI .- A jury in Saint Louis ordered the multinational Johnson & Johnson to to pay 4.96 billion dollars to 22 women and their families, who accuse their disease the asbestos contaminating baby powder

After making sure that their products do not contain any Asbestos, the company announced that it would appeal the decision in the context of the legal battle being waged in the United States for cases of ovarian cancer among women who used talcum powder.

The popular jury decided that the affected women should receive $ 550 million. dollars in compensation for damages. He then added $ 4,140 million to this amount as a penalty for punishing the company's behavior of not notifying product users that talc had increased the risk of ovarian cancer.

This is the largest verdict imposed in this case to date

Six of the plaintiffs have died and 17 of them are not Missouri, a state where courts are usually

The verdict came after five weeks of expert testimony from both parties

Mark Lanier, a female lawyer, accused J & J of "covering for more 40 years old ". evidence of the existence of asbestos in their products. "

Johnson & Johnson faces over 9,000 lawsuits across the United States and in his defense, reiterates that talc is a safe and asbestos-free product.

The Agency who oversees food safety (FDA, in English acronym) conducted a study with a sample of the product in which did not detect the presence of this carcinogenic fiber "Everything is a conspiracy," says Bart Williams, l & 39; J & J.'s lawyer

In a previous verdict in Los Angeles, the company was sentenced to pay $ 417 million to a woman.He was the highest up to now, but this decision was successfully lodged by the company (ECHA Agencies)

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