Juliana Oxenford says goodbye to Latina News, '90 Central' | VIDEO | Facebook | Shows


After the premiere of "Madre", Latina's new telenovela, Juliana Oxenford's newscast is waiting for the moment and the reporter is talking on her official Facebook page.

"It's not that I've been thrown in. There are some changes in the chain and new managers are coming in. The programming is changing and there's a new novel called "Madre" which will begin at 8 pm, 90 Central "There will be new schedules and everything that needs to be defined this week," says Juliana Oxenford .

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In addition, Juliana Oxenford made it clear that she will continue to Latina. "I have a contract with Latina up to # 39 in December of next year and I do not know if I will stay until then, but the project is that the novels come back from 8am, which is great and it's a good idea "

"I'm going to show up in a new schedule or maybe there'll be a new project in the chain, or not, I do not know, let's see what happens," he said. dec journalist

In addition, Juliana Oxenford expressed her gratitude for the messages of her disciples and devoted a post to Instagram.

"I am here, thanks to all those who write to me and ask me questions about them, they do not know how nice it is to know that with my thousands of faults and virtues, I I've managed to make '90 Central 'a human TV news show.I also miss them and my commitment to talking to them about the news is very difficult, I have a giant hug and everything my heart, thank you again, "he wrote.

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