Julio César Uribe: "Roberto Mosquera must lead the team" [VÍDEO] – Diario Expreso



Julio César Uribe former coach of the Peruvian national team, says that he is the only one to take the reins of the technical direction of the & # 39; Blanquirroja & # 39; is nothing more and nothing less than his colleague Roberto Mosquera .

" Roberto Mosquera is to lead the selection, the Peruvian technician is trained, he is a successful person, no one has given him anything, he is a proven, honest and professional person. has its forms like everyone else, but your form does not have to like everyone.But it does not negotiate with the feelings, it does not negotiate with the human side, with the respect, the protection, the 39, orientation and the requirement that the player must help him to succeed, "he explains Julio César Uribe . 19659003] "The coach does not have to pay the player or the player the coach, and you know that there are players who pay the coach. Roberto Mosquera

On another occasion, Julio César Uribe assured that the Peruvian team, which was led by Argentina Ricardo Gareca showed a range very predictable for rivals.

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