Juventus will seek the arrival of Diego Godín after his performance with Uruguay in 2018 World Cup Russia | transfers


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Juventus does not want to stop with the signatures and after the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo to the team, now they will go in search of a category player in the defensive area of ​​the team. As it was known, the name of Diego Godín is the main obsession of the Italian team for the 2018-2019 season.

And the money does not seem to be a problem in the "Vecchia Signora". The investment in the famous contract of Cristiano Ronaldo has been recovered in the advertising aspects generated by the Portuguese player, so that the direction must invest in a new player to help them obtain the title of Champions League

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The portal Sportitalia has announced that the plan of Juventus is to offer a contract until the 2021 to Diego Godin, a time when the central will be 35 years old, so accepting the offer would be a favorable possibility. However, the Atlético Madrid will not leave the road easy because the Uruguayan defender is the key to the coach Diego Simeone .

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The contract with the set & # 39; Colchonero & # 39; ; ends in 2019, but in Spain has the idea to renew the contract, which has for the moment the exit clause valued at 20 million euros. . Juventus will not give up with this intention to form a large team and this is achieved consistent to achieve important goals in the future.


Diego Godín won the Europa League ] with Atlético Madrid in the seasons 2011-12 and 17-18

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