Karla Tarazona: Christian Domínguez will appeal the decision on the food the pilot earns


July 4, 2018 6:30 pm.

In the morning it was known that Karla Tarazona won the lawsuit to increase the maintenance of food for the son that they both, before her, his ex-partner Christian Domínguez decided to appeal the decision of the Third Chorrillos Peace Law Court.

Christian Domínguez wants the amount to be reduced to give to his son Valentino, said the lawyer of the TV host, Daniel Leyva.

"I just learned that the resolution giving the victory to Karla was published a while ago, but Christian Dominguez appealed because he said it was not not happy to increase maintenance and wants to reduce it, "added Leyva. to a local newspaper.

It should be noted that prior to the decision, the plaintiff's defense was that Domínguez had heavy expenses such as paying child support for his first daughter and financially supporting his parents [19659006].

However, the court found that if the singer could buy a car from his partner Isabel Acevedo he could pay child support for his son.

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