Karla Tarazona is pronounced after being linked to the former partner of Evelyn Vela


04 July 2018 10:00 am

Karla Tarazona broke her silence after being linked to the former partner of Evelyn Vela, Steve Thorsen . The TV host has dismissed that she goes out with the businessman after broadcasting a video where they can be seen together.

"People say that I went out with Steve, and that's wrong, I've known the father of Evelyn's children for several years, there's no relationship before or during or after, "said the host. television.

"I told you that the day I have something with a person, I will not hide, but I will not fight for something that is not true" says Christian Domínguez's ex-girlfriend.

Recall that a few weeks ago Evelyn Vela revealed that the father of her children, Steve Thorsen intends to resume a relationship with her. However, she assured that at this moment, she is living another stage of her life.

"Yes (confirming that Steve Thorsen wants to resume the relationship with her), but I'm in another time of my life," Evelyn Vela said several weeks ago.

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