Katia Palma surprises Instagram fans with her confessions | PICTURES Trade | TV | Farándula


The undeniable humor of Katia Palma invaded Instagram . The jury of "I am" answered questions from her followers in social networks and many of the answers she gave, surprised.

The Latina artist commented on some facts about her life that users of Instagram ] they did not know, although she always shows herself with a smile on her face and is a joker, through the social network that she told the first time that she fell in love, among other details.

Katia Palma by profession and who ventured into the world of television at 21 years old. She also said that she fell in love for the first time when she was 19 years old.

Last year, the humorist underwent an exercise regime to lose weight, for which one of the users asked him if she was doing any food . Katia Palma took a look: "No, it would be Milett."

When the atmosphere became more personal, users asked her if she had made love and she replied that she had fallen in love "bad, bad, bad " and had done a lot of crazy things, among them, the 20 tattoos that he had confessed to having on his body.

Even, a user of Instagram asked if she would be with a "naco & # 39; and she did not hesitate to answer yes, she also revealed that she prefers a date in front of the beach with wine or water, only in a bar with beers. Katia Palma has been revealed to be an inveterate novelist.

She finally thanked her supporters for making him laugh "like a pig in a Chinese box". There is no doubt that the humorist will continue to make us laugh with his wits.

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