Katy Perry revealed that she was suffering from depression after the little success of her latest album Trade | Lights | Music


The American singer Katy Perry makes a revealing confession for Vogue Australia magazine, in which she confesses that she has entered a great depression and that she would have even thought of suicide after the little success of his last album

After great musical successes, the failure of his last album "Witness" made the singer think about her life and her musical work.

"I had depression attacks and my heart broke up last year I know, I put a lot of confidence in the public reaction and this n & # 39; I did not answer as I hoped, "quotes Vogue magazine on Katy Perry

" Witness "debuted with first place on the famous Billboard list, but the various singles that Accompanied did not get the best response from the public. Katy Perry was honest and said that it was "a test of the universe". [19659005] "I think the universe tells me that you always talk about your songs to love and be authentic, but we're going to take a test and leave without support, so you'll see how much you love you really, "he says Katy Perry .

"I think we are all computers and sometimes we adopt these viruses" Perry

After this dark episode of her life, the singer underwent therapies and put herself in the hands of professionals for Overcoming his problem.His main medicine was meditation, a practice that according to Perry gave him "a new basis for the soul".

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