Kavanaugh Pick was scripted late for Trump's reality TV


Of course, the President staged a show for the cameras, materializing in front of a national television audience Monday night at the White House to end a selection process that he had put in place for nearly two years. weeks

. promised, to entrust his presidential legacy and the hopes of conservatives everywhere to a candidate who would come out of the dark to inherit the considerable power to redraw the ideological balance of the Supreme Court for a generation.

But two people close to the selection process say that Kavanaugh, a political agent turned judge at the DC Court of Appeals, had been one of the favorites in Trump's mind even before that Anthony Kennedy announces that he would leave the nation's highest bench last month

. The retiring justice is convinced that Kavanaugh – who was the first to hire Kennedy – was the first choice, according to sources.

Trump followed the process. He interviewed several other candidates and spoke to dozens of aides and friends as he pondered his decision – and even after making his choice.

Sources said Trump wanted to see how Kavanaugh's test balls had failed. He was encouraged to see key curators like Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and writers for Breitbart behind him in recent days

  Trump chooses Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court

"He wanted to see how this was going and what was happening to his defense," said a source.

A senior White House official said the president finalized his decision Sunday night and called Kavanaugh to warn him. He also spoke to Vice President Mike Pence and Don McGahn of the White House – who had subtly pushed Kavanaugh's candidacy.

Still, with his eyes, as never on the notes, Trump did not let him know until Monday afternoon that he had made his decision.

On Monday evening, entering the East Room, a cockpit of presidential traditions where John F. Kennedy's body was resting and Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, Trump lifted his chin, narrowed his eyes and savored his historic moment.

"I have often heard that besides the issues of war and peace, it is the most important decision that a president will take," Trump said, for once did not exaggerate the magnitude of the stakes

. The presidential podium wore a piece of paper reserving it to the unidentified wife of the candidate so as not to drop the curious journalists and spoil the great unveiling.

Rudy Giuliani, another key figure in the Special Attorney's Inquest Robert Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and a long list of Republican Senators, Great Conservatives and Employees of the White House

  The Senate battle for the confirmation of Kavanaugh is already underway

The White House had invited the Democratic senators of the state Red at the party – twisting the knife since Trump's selection of Kavanaugh may be difficult to oppose – election in the states where Trump won big in 2016. None of them appeared.

Outsider Selects DC Insider

The White House The Most Evident White House In Modern History Secures The Secret Of Trump, Amy Coney Barrett And Raymond Kethledge In Their Homes in Indiana and Michigan, respectively, earlier in the evening had stolen some of the suspense.

And pity poor judge Thomas Hardiman, who just missed being the president of the first selection chair of the Supreme Court, and was again the unlucky maid of honor.

If anything, the announcement of Trump made for television lacked a bit of drama – not a criticism that can often be leveled against The President has behaved with decorum and grace, as he unveiled a quite conventional choice that any Republican president could have made.

"President Trump made an outstanding decision," former President George W. Bush said, while his brother, nicknamed "Low Energy" Jeb by Trump during the 2016 campaign, also made the Praise of choice on Twitter.

After all, Kavanaugh worked for both Presidents Bush. His wife Ashley, who appeared with him on stage once Trump revealed his name, as well as his daughters Margaret and Elizabeth, worked as a personal secretary for George W. Bush.

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In a reversal of the situation, Trump, the ultimate political outsider, has managed to s & dquo; Install on a political insider consumed as the most consistent Supreme Court for decades.

The wheel machine of the Supreme Court of the White House is well oiled.

Everything went smoothly overnight for Kavanaugh. His debut joined that of Neil Gorsuch, first candidate for the Trump Supreme Court in January 2017.

On the night of Monday to Monday, Washington prepares for a fierce battle of perception on the selection of Trump, given that Democrats probably do not have the numbers in the Senate to thwart In the middle of the afternoon, Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Senate Democratic minority, was standing in the room, warning against the danger. Trump's disastrous impact on two vital issues for mid-term Democrats' election hopes, Obamacare and

Later in the evening, protesters in the Supreme Court chanted, "Hey, hey, no, we need Brett Kavanaugh parte. "

Political Savvy

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But Kavanaugh's discreet manner and insider status in Washington can make him a man difficult to demonize. On the other hand, he can enthuse the conservatives needed to save the GOP in November less than other potential Supreme Court choices.

The political scientist of the candidate – in a famous photo, he is seen armed with Machiavelli of the Bush era Karl Rove – shone through his own speech

He spoke with emotion of his family, joked how his daughters' basketball teams knew him as "Coach K" and recalled that the day after his first date with his wife In 2001, they fled the White House after being informed that a hijacked plane had arrived.

He appeared as a decent and humble family man, in a way that could complicate the Liberals' efforts to use it as the poster board to see as a new front on the war against women, they believe that a conservative majority on the court will declare.

Kavanaugh also had a clear and subtle message to the conservatives who put their trust in Trump to change the balance of the Supreme Court and became a vital part of his 2016 coalition. [19659002] "Ma Judicial philosophy is simple: a judge must be independent and must interpret the law, not make the law, "said Kavanaugh.

"A judge must interpret the laws as they are written in. And a judge must interpret the Constitution as being written, informed by history, tradition and precedent."

C & # 39 is this faith in conservative jurisprudence that has helped him cross the line. he showed consistency in the interpretation of the text of the law as it was written and intended, "said the White House senior official

" You know what you are going to do. with this guy, "said the official, perhaps reflecting on previous court appointments that have pleased the conservatives in the moment – but disappointed them in the long run – not like Kennedy himself.

He did not hurt Kavanaugh He emerged from his years at the White House with a broader view of executive power and the belief that presidents should not be distracted by lawsuits or investigations during their tenure. [19659002] This will be a red flag for the Democrats at Kavanaugh's A confirmation of charges hearing, given that Trump's attempts to test the limits of his office often end up in court, and that a decision on the question of whether he should testify to Mueller may end up before the nine judges of the Supreme Court. "Judge Kavanaugh has irreproachable qualifications, unmatched qualifications and a proven commitment to & # 39; equality before the law, "said Trump Monday.

Ariane de Vogue and Allison Malloy of CNN contributed to this report.

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