Kavanaugh's paper chase threatens to fire the confirmation battle


  Brett Kavanaugh is photographed. | Getty "title =" Brett Kavanaugh is photographed. | Getty "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                  Documents Could Bring Democrats Bread to Ask Brett Kavanaugh Potential Supreme Court Candidate on Parallels Between Bill Clinton and Donald Trump's Misdeeds Alex Wong / Getty Images </p>
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The appointment of the President Donald Trump of Brett Kavanaugh to Supreme The Court presents to a group of government and White House archivists a Herculean task: wading through millions of pages of documents to produce what senators require to prepare for hearings

He spent two years in the office of President George W. Bush's White House President and a little over three years as Secretary of Bush's staff, which is not the case. not quite unique Kagan, was Also had passages in the White House that led to the review and publication of large volumes of documents before their hearings.

History Continued below

But the amount of potentially involved files in Kavanaugh's case could be unprecedented. Former officials believe that millions of pages of e-mails and other documents circulated in Kavanaugh's office during his tenure as staff secretary. If Senate Democrats insist on receiving all pages, the confirmation process is likely to end.

"People will pretend that they want all the documents that go through the staff secretary's office … it's for me the battle to be launched," said a GOP veteran of the United States. confirmation battles of the Supreme Court.

Democrats say that they only ask for the same thing that the Senate demanded for other high court candidates. When President Barack Obama hit Kagan in 2010, the National Archives made considerable efforts to release 170,000 pages of documents from his tenure as a political advisor and lawyer to President Bill Clinton's White House