Keiko Fujimori: Carlos Galdós is sorry to have made these controversial remarks about him [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 10 | Politics


The famous radio host, Carlos Galdós , has returned to the eye of the storm in social networks for controversial comments. The showman also spoke about the moment when he lives Keiko Fujimori in jail with risky jokes.

Galdós was encouraged to comment on his speech on the radio statements of the party leader's lawyer Fuerza Popular, Giuliana Loza. The representative of the Legal Defense of Fujimori He mentioned that now his client has to wash with a "jarrita" in the Annex to the Chorrillos Women's Prison.

"You open the shower and you stay 20 minutes in the shower and rinse everything, Have you ever thought that Keiko with a cup of water, with the jousts, rinses the nipple? Think about it, "said Galdós in his morning program Radio Capital.

" Did not you think Keiko did not even have a conditioner for pubic hair? Why do you look at me like that Carla? Do not throw yourself in the air conditioner? I know people who put the air conditioner there, while Keiko is washing with a pitcher, "continued the announcer.

(Radio Capital)

(Radio Capital)

Before the controversial statements, the congressman Luz Salgado (Fuerza Popular) spoke about the issue and rejected the "political hatreds". The party secretary Fujimorist did not like at all what was said by Carlos Galdós.


Also on Twitter, the communicator apologizes for his words. "I acknowledge my excesses with Keiko Fujimori yesterday during my radio show, I apologize accordingly, sincerely and shamefully, as well as my listeners", wrote Galdós.

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