Laos | Several dead and hundreds missing after the rupture of a dam | Trade | World | Asia


The Monday collapse of a dam under construction in 19459005 Laos which submerged at least six villages in this poor little country of Southeast Asia , made several deaths and hundreds of missing, The authorities announced Tuesday

that there are "several dead and hundreds of missing," announced the official agency of Laos .

The dam is located on the Mekong tributary in the Attapeu province (southwest), near the border with Vietnam. It collapsed Monday night, releasing 5,000 million cubic meters of water, the equivalent of more than two million Olympic pools.

Some 6,600 people were injured Tuesday night and the authorities were trying to evacuate them from the area Pope Francis expressed his "solidarity to all those affected by this disaster" and said that he "prayed" especially for the rest of the dead, the healing of the wounded and the consolation of all who mourn the loss of They sent a reinforcement of rescuers, but the affected area is surrounded by a very dense forest,

"The Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydroelectric project has collapsed, "confirmed the electricity company Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy (PNPC), responsible for the construction of the dam [194590] 05]." L & # 39; accident was caused by continuous rains that caused the accumulation of large amounts of water. "

Dozens of houses in the flooded area were totally submerged, showed aerial images filmed by rescue teams.

published by the agency Laos shows dozens of people, including children, huddled in barges.

A total of 53 South Korean workers who were in the square could be evacuated, Seoul reported. 19659011] Nearly 24 hours after the collapse of the dam the authorities continue to assess the scale of the disaster.

"We still do not have official information on casualties or casualties." Responsible for the province of Attapeu who requested anonymity.

Prime Minister Thonglun Sisulith went to the site to oversee operations, according to the press agency of Laos KPL

The Cambodian government stated that it was ready to evacuate the inhabitants of Stung Trend province, on the border of Laos to about 70 km

— "Battery of Southeast Asia" — [19659015Atthepresenttimeseveraldozen dams are under construction at Laos financed mainly by China. Much of its hydropower is exported to neighboring countries, particularly Thailand. "Ten are already operational, between 10 and 20 are still under construction and a dozen are in the project phase," Toshiyuki told AFP. Doi, from the NGO Mekong Watch, based in Japan

Located in the heart of the Indochinese peninsula, the small rural and mountainous state has the ambition to become "the battery of Southeast Asia" .

years, environmental organizations expressed their concerns about the hydroelectric ambitions of Laos especially the impact of dams on the Mekong River, its flora and fauna, as well as

] The dam of the province of Attapeu, a work of more than one billion inhabitants. dollars, is under construction since 2013.

Behind this project is Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy Power Company (PNPC), a company formed by the Thai company Ratchaburi Electricity Holding Holding, South Korea Western Power and the Lao Lao Holding State Enterprise

The dam of a power of 410 megawatts, had to start supplying electricity by 2019, according to the PNPC website, and 90% of the energy produced was to be exported to Thailand

Another gigantic project is currently underway in in Laos . The hydroelectric dam of the Xayaburi dam built by the Thai group CH Karnchang. Its cost is estimated at $ 3,800 million for a power of 1,285 megawatts.

Source: AFP

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