Larry Kudlow Blames China Xi for Stalling Trade Deal


China accused American officials of making false accusations as it fired back against a claim Xi Jinping is blocking talks with the US over the trade between the nations.

The rebuke from China's foreign ministry highlights the deepening impasse between the world's Two major economies over allegations of unfair trade

"In front of the world some accusations," Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a regular briefing. This is beyond the imagination of most people and is shocking.

Hua made the remarks after President Donald Trump's top economic adviser Chinese president Xi for holding back talks.

"As far as we know, President Xi at "White House National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow said at the CNBC Institutional Investor Delivering Alpha conference in New York on Wednesday." I do not think President Xi, at the moment, has any intention of

The trade negotiations between the US and China aimed at defusing tensions have stalled, said Kudlow. Korea's nuclear threat, said Kudlow.

But big differences remain over trade, he said. "Xi is holding the game up," he said. Xi's top economic advisor, Liu He, reads willing to move forward. No deal, said Kudlow. Liu was involved in three rounds of negotiations on US officials in May and June.

China has not yet responded to the question of "said Kudlow.

Trump this month 25 percent tariffs on $ 34 billion of Chinese goods, with another $ 16 billion to follow soon. The administration has also released a list of 10 percent rates on an additional $ 200 billion of Chinese goods, which could be used as early as next month. China has made more US tariffs than it has in the past.

Trump authorized the tariffs after an investigation by the US Trade <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Chinese Commerce Ministry spokesman Gao Feng last week called those accusations "groundless" and said that the US trade penalties contravene rules at the World Trade Organization.

Claude Barfield, who was a consultant to the Reagan Administration on trade policy, talks about the trade disputes.

(Source: Bloomberg)

'Totally Preposterous'

Kudlow's latest comments were "totally preposterous," said Li Yong, a senior fellow at the government-affiliated China Association of International Trade in Beijing.

"The US started the trade vol umes and they imposed tariffs first, then they blame it on China," he said. "The purpose of this is to sensationalize the matter and stir up public attention. This is meaningless. "

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has no bilateral meetings scheduled with Chinese officials during the Group of 20 meetings in Argentina later this week. Mnuchin said last but not least, he had a dozen-one-on-one discussions and pull-asides scheduled with the G-20, but he had not gotten to meet the Chinese officials, according to a senior Treasury official on Tuesday.

Mnuchin said last This year, it was decided that China should commit to deepening structural reforms to its economy before the US

"Some US officials said China is to blame for the collapse of trade talks, which totally goes against the truth," Gao Feng, spokesperson at the Ministry of Commerce said at a separate briefing on Thursday in Beijing. "

– With assistance by Sarah McGregor, Jeanna Smialek, Enda Curran," Looking back at the whole process, it is the US who behaved capriciously and has not honored its words. Peter Martin, Andrew Mayeda, and Miao Han

( Recasts with reaction from China's foreign ministry. )

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