Latest News: Suspect arrested in Oakland


The latest on a deadly white-tailed attack at a California station (all local):

7:50 pm

A Parole Inmate Suspected in A mortal in Oakland The station was stopped.

Authorities claim that an anonymous tip from a Bay Area Rapid Transit runner led them to John Lee Cowell, 27 years old.

He was peacefully arrested aboard a train bound for Antioch on Monday night. Pleasant Hill Station at Walnut Creek, about a dozen miles from Oakland

A manhunt was in progress since Cowell was identified as the suspect who stabbed Nia Wilson at random in the nape and hurt his sister Sunday night. The authorities claim that Cowell had served a second-degree prison sentence and was released on 6 May.

Nia 's parents and dozens of others held a vigil at the station Monday night to remember it.


6:20 p

A vigil is held at Oakland Station where a young woman was stabbed to death and her sister injured in what the authorities say is an unprovoked attack .

Dozens of people showed up Monday night to remember Nia Wilson, who was stabbed in the neck at MacArthur BART station on Sunday night.

Authorities are looking for John Cowell, 27, a convicted thief who was released from the state prison in May. 19659003] He is considered armed and dangerous

At the vigil, Nia's father says that the body image of his youngest child lying under a tarp on the dock is an image that he will never forget and that he wants the killer to be taken


4:15 pm

The wounded sister of an 18 year old woman stabbed by a rapist in freedom conditional is "blinded by a maniac".

Lahtifa Wilson, who is 26 years old, told ABC7 News on Monday that the sisters never saw John Cowell's suspect or exchang He then attacked and injured him.

Wilson said that she watched Cowell after he ran away, and she saw him wipe his knife.

She said that she failed to protect her little sister, whom she described as "the sweetest person on earth." She says she told Nia that she loved him.

Wilson says that she was with Nia and another sister and that she was coming home from a family reunion when Cowell attacked at MacArthur Station

this watch video shows Cowell, 27-year-old, who strikes the sisters and runs away

A cousin had already identified Tashiya Wilson, 21, as the injured sister, but authorities later said that Lahtifa Wilson had been injured. ___


North Californian authorities claim that the man wanted in the fatal attack of a teenager in a subway station is a parole violator

. 27-year-old John Cowell "hit very fast," stabbing 18-year-old Nia Wilson, wounding her sister, Latifa Wilson.

Rojas says detectives found a knife at a construction site near MacArthur's station According to the chiefs, Cowell quickly attacked the sisters, stabbing them after they got off a train.

He says that it was a "vicious and unprovoked attack" and that the authorities did not determine a motive.

Rojas says the surveillance video also shows Cowell running away through a parking lot, where he changed his clothes.

The chief says that the investigators are trying to determine what led to the attack. Rojas says that they have no information about racism, but they do not reject this factor as a possible motive. The Wilson sisters are black and Cowell is white

"Until now, we have no information motivated by race, but we can not reject it," he said.

___ [

Police in Northern California on Monday identified a man suspected of stabbing a teenager at a railway station in northern California while John Cowell, 27,

video footage of Cowell's surveillance, including one that shows him at MacArthur Station Sunday night, when the teenager and his sister were stabbed on a platform after the train's exit.

Photo shows Cowell wearing a gray-and-white tracksuit and wearing a

BART Police Chief Carlos Rojas describes Cowell as "a violent offender currently on parole."

The police did not identify the victims, but their parents say that they were Nia Wilson, 18 years old. died, and his sister, Tashiya Wilson, 21 years old. Tashiya Wilson was hospitalized



A relative of a teenager who was stabbed at a northern California train station said her cousin was returning home after having randomly celebrated her birthday. Birthday of his deceased boyfriend. Ebony Monroe said Monday that her cousins, Nia Wilson, 18, and Tashiya Wilson, 21, were returning home Sunday night aboard a Bay Area Rapid Transit train after celebrating the anniversary of his boyfriend. He drowned two years ago in a lake.

Jim Allison, spokesman for the BART, recounts that a man allegedly attacked the sisters randomly while they were descending from a train at MacArthur Station in Oakland


Monroe says that his cousin graduated from Oakland High School and that he was "a beautiful person both inside and out".


6:52 am

Authorities say that a man was stabbed an 18-year-old woman in the neck and injured his sister while they were waiting for a train to Oakland [19659003] The stabbing, which appeared to be random, occurred Sunday night at the Bay Area Rapid Transit's MacArthur Station.

BART spokesman Jim Allison told the San Francisco Chronicle that one of the victims died shortly after the police arrived and that the second victim was taken to the hospital

. He is described as a white man in his twenties or thirties with heavy construction.

Relative Malika Harris identified the woman who died as her sister, Nia Wilson, who had attended Oakland High.

after the attack. It reopened at 4am Monday.


Information from: San Francisco Chronicle,

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